Recommended routes
Planning a route? No problem. Our company will provide couple of suggested routes and itineraries, depending on your starting port. Discover over a thousand kilometers of coastline with Catamaran Charter Croatia. We basically have catamaran available in every major marina on Adriatic. With more than 1100 islands scattered around in the four major regions, Croatia is considered to be one of the world’s top catamaran charter destinations in the Mediterranean.
Most popular destinations we recommend to visit are: the towns of Split, Zadar, Dubrovnik, Hvar, Pula, Opatija, Šibenik and the islands Brač, Hvar, Korčula, Vis, Biševo, Cres, Brijuni, Kornati, Šolta and Mljet.
Charter Catamaran Croatia has prepared a set of suggested routes. If you hire a skipper, he/her will do the best to address your wishes and preferences. Feel free to contact us with your route questions. You can visit our Contact section and we will help with suggestion and advice.
Route tips
Moorings in small ports
Some smaller ports like Vis, Komiza, Starigrad, Jelsa, Sipan, Vela Luka, Lumbarda or Orebic (just short list) will provide mooring on a pier with water and electricity. Mooring fees for catamarans are between 350-900 HRK, depending on the size. Please note that some islands like Vis, Mljet, or Lastovo have own water supply, and are not connected to shore waterline, so you will be kindly asked to save water. These days, using buoys is charged almost everywhere. Unless they are owned by local tavern, and in that case they are free to use if you will eat in their locale. Some of them are:
- Lučica (island Brač)
- Sesula (island Šolta)- Šišmiš Bar
- Moster or Veli Porat -island Scedro
- Okuklje (island Mljet )-restaurant Maestral
- Zaklopatica (island Lastovo) – restaurant Augusta Insula
- Gradina (entrance in Vela Luka) -restaurant Šiloko
Picking up rubbish should be included but please ask authorities if the price includes short morning stay on cost for buying food or fill the water tank.
Anchoring is possible in majority of bays in the Adriatic, but make sure to recognize signs where is forbidden. Always check how local boats are anchored, which will give you idea where it is most protected. If you see plants and trees grow very close to the sea it is a sign that the place might be good for anchorage. If the weather is good, there are lots of bays suitable for overnight anchoring and fro swimming stops. There are abundance of beautiful clean bays suitable for swimming on first or last day of your charter. On Brač (Uvala Osibova, Uvala Maslinova or Lučice) or south side of Šolta (uvala Livka, uvala Tatinja). Anchoring in National park Mljet will be charged but it includes entrance tickets to National park and 2 day stay and picking up trash.
What to see?
National Parks along the coast:
- National park Mljet
- National park Kornati,
- National park Krka (marina Skradin)
- National park Brijuni
National monuments:
- Mali Ston (mussels and oysters are specialty here),
- Blue cave (island Biševo) near Vis,
- Medvida cave (near Vis),
- Stiniva (bay on island Vis),
- Island Brusnik and Jabuka
- Zlatni rat (island Brač),